
Entrepreneurial Projects

Electronic connectivity and information exchange with Arab countries

The process of electronic connectivity and exchange of information with the Arab countries aims to simplify the procedures of international trade exchange, thus it enhances trade relations between the Kingdom and the Arab countries. The number of countries that have been connected electronically (7) countries until the end of 2016 are: Saudi Arabia, Syria, Abu Dhabi, Palestine and Agadir Agreement countries (Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco). During the year 2016, many pioneer projects have been implemented or expanded to facilitate and streamline procedures and thus improve Customs processes. These include: electronic payment, pre-clearance, electronic inspection, export and import license project, exemption pledges system, temporary admission, exemptions for special needs, exemptions of diplomats, investment promotion, BI system, and development of the Department’s website. In 2016 several supporting systems have been computerized such as: RFID system the first phase, collection campaigns, exemptions for the areas surrounding Aqaba, movable funds, court testimonies, and customs certificates and engines..

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